The Alpha Under 40 2022 Highlights | HighEnd Magazine

It is the second year that The Alpha Under 40 is being held. This year HighEnd magazine once again selects 18 inspirational figures under the age of 40, ranging from the worlds of business, lifestyle, entertainment, sports as well as activism. We hear inspirational stories on how they become leading figures that they are now in each of their categories.

They are Adinia Wirasti, Angkie Yudistia, Ariel Tatum, David Christ, Dyah Roro Esti, dr. Ekles D.AAAM, M.Ks, Erika Richardo, Iko Uwais, Jessica Lin, Kevin Sanjaya, Marianne Rumantir, Marissa Anita, Mulyana, Rania Salsabila Azzahra, Reza Rahadian, Tiza Mafira, Vidi Aldiano, dr. Widya Rahayu Arini Putri.

We hope their journey can motivate the alpha within you to come out and take over.

HighEnd The Alpha Under 40 2022 is supported by:
AMERO Jewellery
Phane Florist 
ROSÉ Patisserie
Re.juve Indonesia

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