Flower Viewing Season in Oman
Adelia Ayu
09 April 2018

Famously known as the country with beautiful rose gardens in the world, Omani roses not only flourished through its temperate climate, it is also nourished economic values from highly price and quality products.

In Jabal Akhdar Mountain and Saiq Plateau areas in Oman, Persia, rose petals bloom perfectly. Every year, from March until mid-May, pleasant fragrances from spectacular pink shade is carried by wind into the whole areas of Al Aqr, overlooking 7,000 stunning Damask Roses (Rosa Damascena) covering the mountain range. Being the singular source of Omani famous product, high quality rose bushes are cultivated in the mountain terrace garden every year.

One of the highly acclaimed villages in rose water cultivation and extraction business in plateau area is Al Aqr. Across the mighty Wadi Al Mayahi gorge, villagers spread hundreds of petal and extract the essence to produce highly demand Omani rose water and essences. Omani adds a dash of it to a range of hot and cold beverages and as flavoring in foods and sweets.  The essence is also a potent material for exotic perfume and fragrances, towering in terms of price and quality.

The Saiq plateau was formerly one of the highest and most inaccessible inhabited regions in Oman. With soothing sunlight shining mountain area at dawn, light-hearted banter of men and women start plucking the full-blown roses petals, while hearing the pacifying sound of the Falaj. The harvest collected petals in a wooden basket, gathered in a bundle and taken to many traditional extraction units that had been set up by villagers.

Right now, first-class resorts and indulgences are surrounding the mountainous beauty, including Alila and Anantara Resorts. Not only that they offer the most cinematic view for your Flower Viewing escapade, they also have packages to Omani traditional rose products and treatments.

It is just crazy not to go for rose picking tour during the peak season. Hidden kilometers away from the capital city that colored the country at 9,800 feet from the ground, this is where all the best rose scents in the world come from.

PHOTOS Courtesy of Shaquel Al Balushi & Alila